A phenomenon today that is far more common to see than in the past; coming up on your toes in the contact area.
Justin Thomas
I doubt any teacher consciously teaches their pupil to "get up" on their toes in the forward swing. It is something that a pupil does in contact, and is part of the natural violence that occurs. For some, it is necessary to break through the mental resistance of the ball. It is not something we see in the process of iron shots, they are struck with a downward blow, impossible to do with both heels off the floor.
Of course, a driver is invariably hit off a tee and is best struck more on the upward swing. We also twist rather than make the forward transition that an iron shot demands.
The ladies are more likely to have this element in their swing. Focusing on squeezing every ounce of energy out of their body frames the heels rising as part of a process.
Lexi Thompson
I don`t think anybody has got up more onto their toes than Lexi Thompson, and she is a fabulous example of spontaneity in a swing.
Joyce Wethered
Probably the first woman golfer to be filmed on her toes at impact. Interestingly in her book, she recommends a downward drive with the irons and an upward sweep with woods.
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Bobby Jones
One of the first males to be filmed with both feet rising upwards is Bobby Jones. It is said he was so disgusted when he saw his footwork on this film that he immediately went to work on eradicating it. Not something many can do with any improvement. Bobby was, as always, the special case.