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African- American stories 1

Bill Knowles

Charlie Sifford and Teddy Rhodes

Charlie Sifford and the "wall of hate." 120 x 120cm acrylic on canvas. When Charlie started playing PGA tournaments in the Southern States he faced a lot of anger.

Teddy Rhodes was one of those whose dreams were never realized. The walls were too high. Acrylic on canvas 100 x 100cm

Sticks for clubs and stones for balls. Playing golf in hidden fields or in the streets of the cities. Competing against each other with a healthy rivalry in the ghettos of the Towns held them all together. The African American golfers had to be creative and strong. Apartheid and the restrictions of segregation held any man of African descent in a physical and mental cage. For those who dreamed and played golf, there was a way out. But each and every one of them would have to fight for those few who would eventually make it.

Fortunately for the golfing world, a small group of players held onto their dreams - until one finally broke through

Charlie swing study and "Charlie`s golden ticket."

The "Black Jack Nicklaus." Watercolour and charcoal on 300g Fabriano paper. 42 x 60 cm

"Teddy loved Jazz."The joy of music and "doing your thing." Acrylic on canvas. 120 x 160 cm

This film shows an image from Golf legacy (Teddy Rhodes in finish pose)

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