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Bill Knowles

German Tour Players' recent history-part 2

The second part of the German tour pros history: The first article can be found in the forum section, or click on this link.

After contact at 3oclock Marcel Siem shows maximum extension. Critics may question the straightened right leg.

Marcel Siem

Born 1980

Marcel turned Pro in 2000. He won the Dunhill Championship in 2004, the French Open in 2012, and the Trophy Hassan ll in 2013

Marcel Siem started to play golf when he was six years old. At thirteen, becoming more convinced about his potential Marcel decided to put all his energy into getting onto the Pro tour. His dream was realized at twenty years old.

Marcel Siem swing

Many teachers will have thoughts on

Marcel Siem's way of holding the club. He is one of a very small percentage of top players who play with a weakened right-hand position (see Irv Schloss's article on the grip), meaning his right forefinger points to the left shoulder.

The effect of such a grip position is an opening of the clubface ( look at film analysis) that will follow with an open club face at contact unless extra use of the wrists/hands is applied.

Marcel Siem looking forward again

Marcel Siem, like any ambitious Pro, tried to improve his swing. Unfortunately, a huge loss in form followed which he has only recently started to rectify.

Hopefully, he has turned the corner and we will see him win a European tour event again

In the nineties, my mentor Bernard Cooke was asked by the German "Golf magazine" to write an article about the swings of the best players representing the Nation.

Thorsten Gideon

-Born 1957

Thorsten Gideon watches his ball flight intently while practicing for an event in England.

The following photos and translated text largely repeat the article that transpired (although the quality of photo reproduction leaves a little to be desired).

"Thorsten Gideon shows a lot of qualities in his swing but needs to add a little more leg action to his movement. A slight lift of the left heel on the backswing would add to his ability to coil into the right side and provide more energy potential for the forward swing. An additional bonus would be the more responsive leg action in contact and beyond.

The improved dynamics would also transform into more speed."

Bernard Cooke-Golf Magazin 1992

Although Thorsten Gideon is only hitting a shorter iron, where the legs are less active, the recommendation from Bernard Cooke was still relevant and would be the same with all clubs.

Thorsten Gideon swing

Antonio Postiglione

Now a successful and respected teacher at the Munchener golf club Antonio Postiglione was part of the small group of playing professionals in the 1990s looking to gain access to the European tour.

Bernard Cooke was very clear in his recommendation to Antonio regarding his backswing. A lack of upper-body turn in his start-back not only reduced energy potential but caused him to go out of the plane.

Bernard recommended Antonio start with the left shoulder while his arms remained connected or passive to the twisting torso (or perhaps move arms and chest together).

In the article, Bernard made it clear that all his recommendations were not swing changes as such, but improvements to the established pattern that each player had. He believed the idea that you can make a number of corrections and create a new swing was the wrong approach.

Postiglione swing

Bernard Cooke 1918-2002

Successful author of several books

on golf and respected international coach. Teaching levels at the time were not anywhere near the same as today. Bernard was ahead of his time.

The players from the nineteen-nineties that have been analyzed in this article are mostly all Pros who have gone on to build successful careers in the teaching profession.

Press the link for Part three

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